HVAC issues lead to safety risks and air quality concerns

HVAC issues lead to safety risks and air quality concerns

I had no idea that heating and cooling systems had become so expensive until I had a problem with mine. Living in Jacksonville, air conditioning is especially important. The summers are brutally hot and humid. Temperatures frequently climb into the triple digits. While the winters tend to be mild, conditions can plummet into the mid

Contine Reading

Sinkhole compromises home’s foundation

Sinkhole compromises home’s foundation

Until I moved to Jacksonville, Florida, I was not familiar with sinkholes. I didn’t realize that they can show up without warning and be quite large. They can cause significant damage to the stability of a home, garage or any type of building. Purchasing my home in Jacksonville stretched my budget. I knew that I

Contine Reading

Injury leads to deterioration of Florida property

Injury leads to deterioration of Florida property

My original condo in Jacksonville was a great deal of work… Because I love gardening, I expanded the landscaping as well as planted countless fruit trees, ornamental shrubs as well as flowers; I included climbing vines, exotic grasses as well as tropical plants. I created pathways from crushed shells as well as installed lights, but

Contine Reading

Termites destroy my house in Jax

Termites destroy my house in Jax

Until I moved to Jacksonville, FL, I had never encountered a termite. I didn’t know what they looked like. I had no idea how invasive they could be or the extent of the disfigurement they can cause. I’ve since learned that a queen termite lays about one hundred eggs per day in her first year

Contine Reading

Divorce necessitates a quick and quiet sale of home

Divorce necessitates a quick and quiet sale of home

My divorce was one of the worst times of my life. The split was not amicable. By the time my husband and I separated, there was a great deal of animosity between us. I quit paying his cell phone bill and reported his phone stolen. Before I had the chance to cancel the credit cards,

Contine Reading

Taking advantage of the benefits of a metal roof

Taking advantage of the benefits of a metal roof

I bought a house in Dallas around fifteen years ago. Over the years, I have gradually made improvements. Energy Star rated windows, insulation and a new HVAC system have really helped with comfort, air quality and energy efficiency. Modern appliances elevate convenience. Paint and landscaping have benefited curb appeal. About two years ago, I decided

Contine Reading

Taking fortune of the plus sides of a metal roof

Taking fortune of the plus sides of a metal roof

I bought a cabin in Dallas around fifteen years ago, then over the years, I have gradually made improvements! Energy Star rated windows, insulation and a up-to-date Heating, Ventilation and A/C system have absolutely helped with comfort, air quality and energy efficiency, but modern appliances elevate convenience, paint and landscaping have benefited curb appeal, but

Contine Reading

Taking advantage of the pros of a metal roof

Taking advantage of the pros of a metal roof

I’m totally satisfied with my current metal roof I bought a condo in Dallas around fifteen years ago… Over the years, I have gradually made improvements, however energy Star rated windows, insulation plus a current Heating plus A/C system have really helped with comfort, air quality plus energy efficiency, then modern appliances elevate convenience… Paint

Contine Reading

Taking luck of the good points of a metal roof

Taking luck of the good points of a metal roof

I purchased a home in Dallas around fifteen years ago, then over the years, I have gradually made improvements, however energy Star rated windows, insulation & a modern Heating, Ventilation, & A/C system have really helped with comfort, air quality & energy efficiency! Modern appliances elevate convenience; Paint & landscaping have benefited curb appeal, and

Contine Reading

Taking advantage of the benefits of owning a metal roof

Taking advantage of the benefits of owning a metal roof

I bought a apartment in Dallas around fifteen years ago, and over the years, I have gradually made improvements! Energy Star rated windows, insulation plus a new Heating & A/C system have absolutely helped with comfort, air quality plus energy efficiency, but modern appliances elevate convenience. Paint plus landscaping have benefited curb appeal! About two

Contine Reading

Selling a house in poor condition

Selling a house in poor condition

I moved to Phoenix, Arizona, because my college boyfriend had family there. While I really love the area, I made the mistake of buying a house with the guy. We put our very meager funds together and bought a house in need of renovations. The only reason we could afford the property was because of

Contine Reading

Selling a house in bad condition

Selling a house in bad condition

I moved to Phoenix, Arizona, because my school boyfriend had family there; While I undoubtedly love the area, I made the mistake of buying a house with the guy, and my associate and I put our very meager funds together and obtained a house in need of renovations, the only reason my good friend and

Contine Reading

Selling a apartment in terrible condition

Selling a apartment in terrible condition

I moved to Phoenix, AZ, because my college bestie had family there, but while I really love the area, I made the mistake of buying a apartment with the guy! My associate and I put our really meager funds together and bought a apartment in need of renovations, and the only reason we could afford

Contine Reading

Walking away from a problematic rental property

Walking away from a problematic rental property

When I first began seeing billboards, hearing advertisements and coming aware of cash home buyers, I paid little attention. I assumed it was risky and high-pressure with a low offer. It wasn’t until I was looking to sell a property that I found out more about it. Located in Denton, Texas, the home was a

Contine Reading

Walking away from a problem rental property

Walking away from a problem rental property

When I first began seeing billboards, hearing advertisements plus coming aware of cash home customers, I paid little attention! I assumed it was risky plus high-pressure with a low offer. It wasn’t until I was looking to sell a apartment that I found out more about it, but located in Denton, TX, the home was

Contine Reading

Walking away from a troublesome rental property

Walking away from a troublesome rental property

When I first began seeing billboards, hearing advertisements and coming aware of cash property buyers, I paid little attention, then i assumed it was risky and high-pressure with a low offer. It wasn’t until I was looking to sell a condo that I found out more about it, however located in Denton, Texas, the property

Contine Reading

Walking away from a terrible rental property

Walking away from a terrible rental property

When I first began seeing billboards, hearing advertisements as well as coming aware of money house clients, I paid little attention; I assumed it was risky as well as high-pressure with a low offer. It wasn’t until I was looking to sell a dwelling that I found out more about it, but located in Denton,

Contine Reading

Walking away from a crucial rental property

Walking away from a crucial rental property

When I first began seeing billboards, hearing advertisements as well as coming aware of currency apartment customers, I paid little attention. I assumed it was risky as well as high-pressure with a low offer. It wasn’t until I was looking to sell a apartment that I found out more about it, but located in Denton,

Contine Reading

Selling apartment building because of bad tenants

Selling apartment building because of bad tenants

When I purchased an apartment building in Jacksonville, Florida, I thought it would be a nice way to generate a monthly income. After taking ownership of the building, I made considerable improvements. I replaced light fixtures, upgraded the windows and painted the exterior of the building. I spent some time and effort beautifying the lawns

Contine Reading

Inherited home is a mess

Inherited home is a mess

When I heard that I’d inherited a house in Jacksonville, Florida, I was excited. Although I hadn’t seen my Uncle in over thirty years, I was his only living relative. Living in the northeastern area of the country, I was very interested in a property down south. I imagined escaping the long, cold winters and

Contine Reading

Unwilling to repair storm damage

Unwilling to repair storm damage

I moved to Jacksonville, Florida, a little over seven years ago. I was delighted to leave behind the long winters of the northern part of the country. I’d had enough of sub zero temperatures, bitter wind chill and endless snowfall. I traded my heavy boots, wool coat and ice scraper for sandals, sunblock and shorts.

Contine Reading