Selling home for cash with insurance issues

Selling home for cash with insurance issues

Insurance in Florida is sort of a nightmare.

If your roof is over 15 years old, good freaking luck.

My roof was in great condition. It had another ten years for sure. Insurance was being such a turd about it though. I couldn’t find a company to cover my place due to the old roof. I looked into roofing businesses and they all told me that I would be wasting my money doing a whole roof replacement. I debated on doing a re-roof which is where you add a layer of shingles to the existing roof. You can only do it once and it is quite cheap. It is kind of a trashy solution. I didn’t want to do any permanent damage to my house either. I didn’t want to go without insurance. So I realized I either had to pay for a whole new roof or sell my house. Selling my house on the market was tough. People sniffed out the old roof rather quickly. If I wasn’t going to buy a roof for me, why would I buy one for them? So due to insurance issues, I sold my house quickly for cash. I wasn’t that happy about my home anyway. A cash home buyer took it off my hands for a good rate too. I was able to get into a new property rather fast as well. Some people would be appalled that I sold over buying a roof. For me I was appalled to be put in that situation. 15 years is just not that long with a roof. If it still projects me, why should I buy a new one?



sell an inherited home