Selling for cash when the market was low

Selling for cash when the market was low

So factor all that into holding onto a place and then listing it

I never seem to be at the right time in the housing market. When costs were super low, I was wasting money renting. When the housing market was suddenly super expensive, I bought. Now that I am looking to sell, it isn’t as flush anymore. I realized I was going to take a loss if I sold through a real estate agent. I knew I would need to do renovations, list it at a low cost, and just deal with it. I decided that doing a cash offer might be smarter. With a cash offer, yes they consider the market, but I don’t have any added fees. The renovations my agent wanted me to do were significant. There was all the old plumbing in the house. She wanted me to rip out all that piping and replace it with new. I also was supposed to upgrade the electric panel and do a new roof. Can you believe that? Crunch those numbers sometimes. It is downright obscene. With a cash offer, I don’t have any money coming out, only coming in. I also save so much time. A house doesn’t get better with age. It is better to pass it off as quickly as possible. I didn’t want to pay the taxes, water, electricity, and HVAC for a place I wasn’t living in either. So factor all that into holding onto a place and then listing it. I stand by my Florida home buyer that did a cash offer. I feel it was the financially smarter decision at the end of the day.


sell property in jacksonville