Simply sign, pack your bags as well as leave.
My wifey as well as I met in college as well as immediately bought a home together once my associate and I graduated. It just seemed like a smart move. Once my associate and I started living together, things got bad. My great friend and I realized that my associate and I weren’t actually great roommates. My great friend and I did not agree on how to keep the home clean, the necessity of repairs, division of bills, as well as even temperature control preferences. I am glad my associate and I figured it out before my associate and I got married. It aromas that my associate and I bought a home together. The sale process was awful. First my associate and I tried listing the home as well as laboring with a real estate agent. Coordinating with an ex during a home sale is seriously awful. My great friend and I realized that the two of us just wanted to get away from one another fast. My great friend and I didn’t care how much the home went for. My great friend and I needed to sell our Indianapolis, IN home fast. After some research I deduced that Indianapolis, IN money offers were the best my associate and I were going to get. Selling Indiana real estate fast for money wasn’t too sketchy. The girl looked at the home as well as I feel gave us a honorable price. It was a easy matter of agreeing on a cost as well as signing papers. My great friend and I didn’t need to do repairs or anything. Simply sign, pack your bags as well as leave. When going through a hard breakup, this was a sizable win. I was actually glad that I could get out of Indianapolis, Indiana when I could. I will never buy a home with a wifey again though. It was so messy as well as bad to do that with someone you no longer love.