Cash home buyer wanted my condemned home

Cash home buyer wanted my condemned home

I ended up inheriting my father’s condemned home after he passed away from cancer. I didn’t know what to do with the place. Since it was condemned, it wasn’t usable to me. In order to get everything back into shape, I would have needed to do a lot of upkeep. I didn’t want to hire

Contine Reading

Unwilling to repair storm damage

Unwilling to repair storm damage

I moved to Jacksonville, Florida, a little over seven years ago. I was delighted to leave behind the long winters of the northern part of the country. I’d had enough of sub zero temperatures, bitter wind chill and endless snowfall. I traded my heavy boots, wool coat and ice scraper for sandals, sunblock and shorts.

Contine Reading

Using last mile freight brokers for fragile materials

Using last mile freight brokers for fragile materials

Recently I needed to transport some product that was very fragile. I looked at a whole bunch of moving options but nothing seemed secure enough. Not only did I want to prevent theft, but I also wanted to make sure nothing broke in transit. I started hunting for the right style of moving and I

Contine Reading

Selling a house that was too big for me

Selling a house that was too big for me

I have lived in a house that was too big for me for years. I think I had grand ideas of meeting the one and having a giant family. I lived in a place that had five bedrooms and three bathrooms. There was a gym, giant living room, kitchen, den, and an attached porch area.

Contine Reading

When my Grandmother passes they should sell

When my Grandmother passes they should sell

When my Grandmother passes I know I am going to highly request that my mother sell that inherited house fast for money. Right now my Grandmother lives on a big plot of land in a nice house. The issue is that he is a hoarder. There is tons of stuff packed into that house. My

Contine Reading

Walking away from rough tenants

Walking away from rough tenants

A few years ago, I bought a home for the purpose of creating a rental income. I invested into a brand new family room and bathroom. I devoted hours to landscaping, painting and cleaning. I took my time interviewing potential renters and was very triumphant with my choice, however shortly after the tenants moved in,

Contine Reading

Selling a house with storm damage

Selling a house with storm damage

Jacksonville, Florida, is a truly beautiful place to live. The winters are mild, with temperatures rarely dropping below forty degrees. I love the spring and fall seasons and don’t mind the heat and humidity of summer. The tropical foliage is exotic and colorful. Jacksonville also provides access to the St. John’s river and over twenty

Contine Reading

Walking away from a problematic rental property

Walking away from a problematic rental property

When I first began seeing billboards, hearing advertisements and coming aware of cash home buyers, I paid little attention. I assumed it was risky and high-pressure with a low offer. It wasn’t until I was looking to sell a property that I found out more about it. Located in Denton, Texas, the home was a

Contine Reading

Selling a dwelling with storm disfigurement

Selling a dwelling with storm disfigurement

Jacksonville, FL, is a legitimately beautiful place to live. The winters are mild, with temperatures rarely dropping below forty degrees. I savor the Springtime and fall seasons and don’t mind the heat and humidity of summer. The tropical foliage is exotic and colorful… Jacksonville also provides access to the St. Johns river and over twenty

Contine Reading